During menstruation, the body experiences contractions as it sheds the uterine lining, often causing discomfort.

Nola addresses this discomfort by utilizing a combination of heat and massage therapy. This approach improves blood circulation, soothes inflammation, eases muscle tension, and triggers the release of endorphins, providing natural and immediate relief from period discomfort.

Definitely! Nola prioritizes your safety with an in-built 30-minute shut-off feature, ensuring worry-free use. Whether you use it overnight or for extended periods, it is designed to provide comfort without compromising safety.

Nola's design in inclusive, offering an adjustable strap and an extension to accommodate every individual comfortably.

Nola comes equipped with a powerful rechargeable battery. We’ve also included a USB-C cable to ensure easy and efficient recharging. Nola's battery typically lasts around 3 hours per use.

Definitely! Nola prioritizes your safety with an in-built 30-minute shut-off feature, ensuring worry-free use. Whether you use it overnight or for extended periods, our menstruation massager is designed to provide comfort without compromising safety.


Ella provides both immediate relief in as little as 15 minutes a day as well as long-term results with repeated use.

The device is 100% safe to use!

Our device has received all necessary medical certifications to be considered as a completely safe device for you and your eyes.

Yes. Our massager is completely safe and easily usable even if you wear contacts. If you do find that it causes you discomfort, we recommend removing your contact lenses for the duration of your massage session.

The massager is also usable with lash extensions.

We recommend to use the massager daily or every other day for lasting relief.

The cloth that touches your skin can be cleaned and sanitized with wet wipes!


Nola works wonders by applying comforting warmth and gentle vibrations to your neck area. It's like a warm hug for your muscles, easing away tension, reducing discomfort, and helping you unwind after a long day. You'll feel the stress melt away as Nola brings relief and relaxation right where you need it most.

The device is 100% safe to use!

Our device has received all necessary medical certifications to be considered as a completely safe device for you and your eyes.

We recommend to use the massager daily or every other day for lasting relief.